This past Saturday I had to stay at work late and our sitter had to work in the evening so she ended up dropping the kids at my work at 5pm for them to hang out until I was finished. Luckily, not only is this okay with the powers that be, my kids are also pretty used to hanging out there. They were incredibly good. Especially considering we didn't get out of there until 7pm. By the time we were rolling out, the evening wedding's cocktail reception was in full swing. That is not something the kids are used to since when I do have to bring them with me it's usually midweek and daytime.
As we started on the drive home I mentioned to the Wonderboy if he liked getting a chance to see all the people enjoying themselves - since it's usually so quiet when he's been there. And if I had know where that was going to lead, I probably would have just turned up the radio.
Me: "So, that was cool, huh? Seeing all those people at the wedding? Now you know what it's like when it's really busy."
WB: "Yeah! Why can't you marry your sister again?"
Me: "......Um. It's against the law."
WB: "But why?"
Me: "......" In my head I am trying to figure out how I can talk about genetics and blood relations and birth defects with a six year old and then - oh, that would mean talking about where babies come from and....
"It's against the law."
WB: "Well, I'm going to marry Elizabeth." (Girl in his grade he has liked for the past two years)
Me: "You have lots of time to decide who you are going to marry."
WB: " I HAVE decided already."
Me: "Well you can't GET married for a long time."
WB: "I know
that Mama. Wouldn't it be cool, if you were still working where you work now, I could get married there!"
Me: "Yeah, honey. That would be neat." (Please kill me if I am still working there in 20 years!!)
WB: "I would be really proud, to get married there, where you work."
Me: "Aw, that's nice hon."
WB: " And then, I could come back to your office and visit you!"
Me: ".....Um, I think I would probably
be at the wedding, Sweetie. I probably wouldn't be working..."
WB: "Oh. Yeah, I guess so."
Love you too, kiddo.