Last week, as I was dropping the Wonderboy off at his summer camp, a thought occurred to me, "Hmm, not a lot of cars here this morning." Also, "Hmm, where are the signs for Camp?" So I call the office number and say, "Hi. Is Camp over?"
"Uh, yes. The week ending the 14th was our last week."
Ah. You can just mail that Mother of the Year award out now, thankyouverymuch. Luckily, I had that Thursday off anyway (and then I played hookey on Friday.) But then we got to this week.
Long story, short - the two days that Wonderboy would have been in camp this past week (Thu and Fri), he was hanging out in my office instead. Thursday was pretty stressful because our owner was on property for a meeting and even though the company has become way more kid-friendly over the years, as opposed to when I started and it was okay to bring your dog to work - but not your kid, I was still a bit on edge. Luckily, the Mr. came to pick WB up at 2pm, so I managed to stay mostly sane. However, I knew that on Friday the Mr. would be working late and the Boy would be with me the Entire Day. So Thursday night as he was getting ready for bed he and I made a pinky promise that we would both try our very hardest not to get cranky with each other the next day.
And I have to say - we really did try - and we succeeded! Yes there were a few moments - when he was yelling to me from the back office that my cell phone was ringing while I was helping some customers - that were a little embarrassing. But most of the people around when he was laughing out loud at some Looney Tunes cartoons he was watching thought it was pretty funny. He listened. The back talk and pouting were limited. He only said he wanted to go home a couple of times. Which I can't really blame him for - it's not a big office and we were there a full eight hours. That's a lot to ask of any kid, nevermind an active six year old!
Not only that, it continued after we left. We picked up the Pixie and they didn't fight or get on each other's case in the car ride home. We stopped by my sister's for awhile and they both did some great turn-taking and sharing. They held up for a late grocery store run for some pre-cooked dinners which they both ate without complaint. A nice bath for the two of them, easy bedtime for the Pixie and a special treat for the boy and I after she was tucked in: Pre-season football in my bed until Daddy got home.
And as he fell asleep on my shoulder, all I could think of was, This is the best day we've had together in awhile. We should make pinky promises more often!
Smacksy Sunday Links
1 week ago
8 hours! You are both to be congratulated. Pinky promises should be used internationally.
You kept a six year old from meltdown for 8 hours?! You both deserve a medal.
This is so touching.
What a little man.
I like it when the good behavior extends beyond the agreed upon time limits too. That's pure magic!
I've found that if you really need them to do something and they know it's important, they'll come through. Glad it worked out.
Pinky promises carry a lot of power. World leaders should really consider them!
A few years ago, when my olest was probably in fourth grade, I dropped him off for a Friday afternoon basketball camp he'd been attending all week. I had the same thought about the lack of cars, but because there were cars in the lot, I figured all systems go, so I dropped him off and then rushed to Target with my then-toddler to get some errands run during the 3 hour window of camp. When I got toward school, I noticed a young boy walking the same direction and I thought, "Wow, that boy looks a lot like...." and then I thought, "OMG! THAT BOYS IS....!!!" and slammed the brakes and backed up.
I discovered there was no camp that day (had I been home, all the messages on my machine from my son would have given me a clue), and he finally got tired of waiting for me, so he figured he'd walk home and wait. Thankfully, he'd paid attention to landmarks (even if he was walking on a railroad track...) and was using his independence (he was actually a bit disappointed I'd found him). We laughed it off (in between my gahs!) but the kid never let me forget every year after when he'd go to this particular camp!
When my son was little we made some great promises to each other. Something about both agreeing to be good makes a cool bond. We've had a pretty good relationship ever since (we won't count the few years he was a know-it-all teenager)!
I love days like that...When it just seems to all fit and everyone works together. Makes you want to let them stay up all night and bath in ice cream.
OMG, Phoebe and I do pinky promises all the time. Yes, I thought it was original, no, I don't know why. But one great thing is if she makes one, she does live up to it, thank God
Pinky promises are soooo awesome. They should totally use them in Congress. I bet shit would start getting down around there if they did.
Just sayin'.
The pinkie promise is magic.
pinky promises are the best!
Great story!
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