First New Year's resolution blown. Actually, I didn't realize it was a resolution, but hindsight and all...
Avoid head trauma. Although now that I have experienced head trauma, maybe I'm free and clear for the year? Fingers crossed and all?
You know how at some point in a Tom and Jerry cartoon Tom is going to step on the prongs of a rake and it's going to send the handle of said rake flying into his head? I sort of had one of those moments at work the other night. Except it wasn't a rake, it was a huge industrial sized fan. I inadvertently stepped on the base of the fan which was all wonky and the big metal mechanism part of the fan on the back crashed into my forehead. Stars are so pretty.
Luckily there was still someone else in the building, (we were in the process of locking up so this isn't often the case.) I came out of the kitchen holding my head (which thankfully was not bleeding) and said, "I just really hurt myself." Jim took one look at my head and almost fainted himself. Huge, red welt from the top of my hairline to right above my eyebrow. Off we go to the walk in clinic, bag of ice to my head. Sigh. Happy F-ing New Year.
But, no fracture and no concussion. Just a big ole egg and what is turning into a lovely black eye. So I'm all set with bodily injury 2010, okay? Let's just cross that one off the list and move forward. And away from heavy objects.
Smacksy Sunday Links
1 week ago
I'm so glad you're o.k. and yes, I think that qualifies to be crossed off the list, let's say for ten years (at least!)
At least you can tell people you hurt yourself fighting off a crazed fan... It sounds so glamorous.
Yay, look at you, Bruiser!! You tell that fan what's what and who's boss and all that.
Happy New Year!
HAHAHA Ok im only laughing bc that was so my major resolution this year too. Last year I got a black eye on NYE when I fell on a marble floor in front of a wedding reception. I sorry for your injury!!!
Gah! This makes the fact that I ate a giant hunk of brownie and then forgot to floss my teeth ONE HOUR into the new year seem pale in comparison!
damn girl: that's something I would do...
Oh my god - you poor thing. Thank god you weren't seriously injured. Here's to a MUCH better week and year!
Well, at least you can laugh about it. Oh wait, that's us laughing. Maybe you'll laugh later.
Most important question...Did you get good drugs for it though?
Ouch! That sounds like something that would happen to me. Hope the bruises fade fast.
wow, you're so a "doer".
Oh no! That doesn't sound like fun at all. Glad you came out unconcussed though :)
OUCH! Let's start the year over, shall we? Glad someone was there to help/witness the glory.
How did I miss this post? OUCH.
Be careful. Kay?
Heh heh. Clutz. What? You walked away, I can make fun.
Well, now I'm worried that I didn't make it part of MY New Year's Resolutions to avoid bodily injury and head trauma. I hope I haven't doomed myself!
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