So, our big TV broke. It actually broke I think almost two months ago now. (I have no concept of time anymore, I swear to god 2003 was like, yesterday.) The part we need to fix it was not going to happen right before Christmas, and since we are still trying to dig out from the bacchanalia, it's not happening anytime soon that I can tell. (Before I get any further I should mention that we are not TV-less. We do have a small one in our bedroom. And we also have a portable DVD player, so we're not talking crazy here. And I guess we're not really talking pioneer-land, but it sounded good.)
However, the lack of the giant, pulsing box has not been the tragedy that I first expected. True, my daughter has become obsessed with Road Runner. Seriously. I don't know how that DVD ended up in the player but she asks for it every day. While my brother and his family were here over the holidays he commented that the Road Runner "soundtrack" was an interesting background to the general chaos. Wonderboy's TV consumption has also gone way down. He sometimes sneaks in a show in the morning in our room, or after dinner before bed, but since he has to be off in the bedroom by himself, it often doesn't last long. He likes to be in the middle of things making noise too much to stay secluded!
Another nice thing about it is that I've taken to hanging out on the couch and reading while the Pixie gets her Road Runner fix in. I love, love, love to read. However, it's often the thing the goes by the wayside when time gets tight. I don't read anything that taxes my brain too much. It's not that I don't think I would enjoy a "classic" now and then. But I prefer to delve into something....well, a little more fun. I also got a bookstore gift card for Christmas (best gift evah!) so I have some new books. (One of which is a parenting book - I'll let you know how that turns out.) I just finished one of those new books and I'm throwing it out here because I really enjoyed it. It's called "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen. Really great.
Thinking about how much I liked this book got me to thinking about how much I would like to pass it on to someone else. That led me to wondering if I could start an on-line book swap. I'm always looking for new books to read, what if others are as well? It can't cost that much to ship one book somewhere, right? Crazy? Cool? I don't know. But if anyone wants, I'll send my copy of this book out to the first person to email me. If you want to send something in return, great. If not, that's okay too.
I guess it's not so bad being down to one small tv. I mean, not forever - let's not get irrational. But for now? I'll take it.
Smacksy Sunday Links
4 days ago
What a great idea - and if I had time I'd pick you up on it in a second. But I'm exhausted most of the time right now, and hit the sack early early early - no time to read. Not watching a lot of tv is so liberating! I agree - you are like the pioneers! You're a little ms laura ingalls wilder!!!
I love reading. Unfortunately I haven't finished a book since Meg was born. I actually find myself watching more TV because I can do that while feeding her.
So, I will swap books -- as long as someone finishes them for me and tells me the end.
The book swap is a good idea, but the postage might get a little steep. We spend so much on books, I thought we'd start going to the library. The trick is not to rack up late fees that end up costing more than the books....
Loved that book. I'm reading "The Help" and it's very good. If you liked Water For Elephants, try one call "Madoc". Just trust me on this.
I'm sorry... YOUR TV IS BROKEN? I'm trembling a little...
Um...Can you repeat all of this again. You TV is broken? I don't understand..No, seriously. You didn't go out an IMMEDIATELY BUY A NEW ONE?!?!? I could do the book exchange - but I'm afraid all you are going to get out of me are romance novels! Yum!
That book is currently on my shelf, just waiting for me to read. I've had a few students highly recommend it as well.
The book swap idea is great, but I'm a book hoarder so I'm not a good person to ask. I like the background soundtrack idea, that makes a lot of sense.
OUr 42" flat screen one day just went black with no warning. So, out came the 15 inch from my son's room. You know, it has a better picture than the big one.
I read Water for Elephants and it is a really good book but now I'll never be able to go to the circus again.
Like the bookclub idea but have nothing to send right now.
We only have one TV - but there is always the computer for abc, etc. network viewing. It's a major time suck for me. I really need to cut some of my "stories" loose. I can't keep up and then there's this blogging thing I like to do...
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