"Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot."
There's me, justmakingmyway (JMMW for short), the Mr., Wonderboy and The Pixie. We're just trying to make our way through this crazy life with more laughter then tears, more love then time-outs, and plenty of libations for the adults of the household. Welcome to the ride, keep your hands inside the car at all times and hold on tight!
Like many, things are a bit hectic and crazy for me right now. Trying to get everything accomplished on my long list (that doesn't seem to be getting any shorter, by the way) is keeping me up at night. I have been neglecting this blog and feel like I should have half a dozen posts stored up in my brain, but for some reason every time I sit down to try to write something I come up empty. So instead of putting something half assed together (which would be totally something I would do so unlike me), I thought I'd provide a little break from the "stress" everyone talks about. I've been addicted to the soundtrack to the Blues Brothers for about a year now. It is my go-to music when I need a lift. I hope you enjoy the following. I dare you to listen and not start tapping your feet. Merry, Merry!
One of my favorite scenes! You seem to have disappeared from my reader! I was wondering why I hadn't seen a new post in a while... Anyway - you're back in now.
This is my husband's favorite movie. So much so that he won't let me get rid of the VHS copy we have of it even though I've since gifted him with the DVD version! Long story short, he thanks you for the dance break this just unleashed upon our house!
One of my favorite scenes! You seem to have disappeared from my reader! I was wondering why I hadn't seen a new post in a while... Anyway - you're back in now.
Love that scene! And such a good movie. Hope your Christmas week is just fabulous!!
Needed that...
Okay, don't hate me...but I don't get the Blues Brothers. I know! My husband almost divorced me when I told him that.
This is my husband's favorite movie. So much so that he won't let me get rid of the VHS copy we have of it even though I've since gifted him with the DVD version! Long story short, he thanks you for the dance break this just unleashed upon our house!
You're drowning too aren't you? Stupid December.
Awesome, love the Blues Brothers! Thanks for that and happy holidays!
I totally love this movie!! Always makes my day when I see it: )
"We're on a mission from God."
Gotta go find my shades! Merry, merry.
Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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